Tempe Granite Countertop Chip Repair

Home » Case Studies » Tempe Granite Countertop Chip Repair

Client : Homeowners in Tempe, AZ
Info : Granite countertop chip repair, cleaning, and sealing

Little Dings and Chips on Granite Countertop

One day, homeowners in Tempe, Arizona, took a long look at their granite countertops and decided it was time for professional chip repair, cleaning, and sealing. The stone was dull from regular use and wear, and there were chips on the corner and along the countertop edge. It had been years since the last time the granite was sealed.

Chip Repair, Cleaning, and Sealing

First, we color-matched epoxy resin and filled in the chipped areas. When the material cured enough to solidify, we carefully removed the excess with a straight razor, and when it was fully set, we honed and polished it to help the repaired areas blend with the rest of the countertop. Our deep-cleaning services helped restore the natural beauty of the stone. Lastly, we applied a commercial-grade natural stone sealer to inhibit staining.

The homeowners were very glad that they had scheduled granite countertop services with us.

To learn more, visit our Granite Services page.

For a free estimate on granite repair, cleaning, and sealing services in Tempe and throughout Arizona, use our contact form or call (602) 830-5861 today!