Stunning New Finish for Marble Countertop

Home » Case Studies » Stunning New Finish for Marble Countertop

Client : Homeowners in Scottsdale, AZ
Info : Marble honing, polishing, and sealing

Etch Damaged Marble Countertop

Homeowners in Scottsdale called us because their brown marble countertop had “water rings,” that is, etch damage. Etching is a white, rough mark on the marble finish caused when acidic substances come into contact with the calcium in the stone and react chemically.

Marble Honing, Polishing, and Sealing

We used a series of progressively finer grit diamond pads to restore this countertop. First, we honed the marble to remove the surface damage. Then, we polished the marble to restore the elegant, reflective finish. What a difference! Our final step was to apply impregnating sealer to inhibit staining.

The homeowners were amazed at how new their countertops looked.

To learn more, visit our Marble Services page. You may also be interested in reading this article: How To Remove “Water Rings” On Polishing Marble.

For a FREE estimate on marble polishing, marble repair, or any other marble restoration services throughout the Arizona area, use our contact form or call (602) 830-5861 today.