Exterior Granite Pedestal Veneer Repaired

Home » Case Studies » Exterior Granite Pedestal Veneer Repaired

Client : Property manager in Phoenix, AZ
Info : Granite repaired and refinished

Damaged Granite Makes Negative First Impression

A commercial property manager in Phoenix, Arizona contacted us because the exterior granite veneer on a pedestal at the entrance of the building was making a negative first impression on guests and patrons. The stone surface looked dull and dirty, and a piece of the veneer had fallen off. We assured them we could resolve these problems.

Our Granite Repair and Restoration Process

Granite is a very hard stone that requires specialized equipment and expertise to restore. Our first step was to address the piece of granite that had come loose. We used abrasives to prepare the stone, applied a professional-grade adhesive designed specifically for stone repair, and reattached the veneer.

Once the repair set, we honed and polished the entire granite pedestal base. Honing removed surface damage and any buildup of pollutants and contaminants caused by the harsh exterior environment. Polishing restored the color, clarity, and reflection of the granite.

The property manager was very satisfied with the outcome and glad that stone replacement would be unnecessary.

To learn more, visit our Granite Services page.

For a free estimate on exterior granite repair, granite polishing, or any other granite services throughout Arizona, use our contact form or call (602) 830-5861 today!